CTHS 7th Year - July 1975
OK, here's the line-up, from memory (I did write names on a paper at the time, but I think its temporarily lost 4000 miles away in my sister's basement!). Please forgive me for errors and omissions.
Back row, L – R: Steve Ruddock, Jim Beaver, Graham Allen, Peter Young, Bob Barclay, Patrick Bermingham, Royston Mansfield, Paul Bacon, Kim Rowden, Malcolm Bearne, Rob Walker.
Second row from back, L – R: Colin Ismay, Ian Kay, Mark Drake, Len Watkins, Simon Thomas, Dave Stonebank, Colin ?, Chris Wyatt, Ian Mort, Peter Samuel, Jeremy Phillips, Trevor Horsnell, Robert Dagwell, Nick Watson.
Third row, L –R: Andrew (or Martin) Phillips, Ted ?, Ron Dunn, Philip Shore, ?, Gary French, ?, Paul Parmenter, Roger Thompson, Stephen Folland, Alan Teed, Julian Thomas, Nick Hill, Kevin Day.
Six guys on right, L – R: Steve Hankinson, Andy Wellstead, Alan Hardy, Michael Bardsley, Keith Rushen, Philip Knight.
Second row from front, L – R: Martin (or Andrew) Phillips, Pat ?, Jackie Foy, Heather Lipscomb, Judy Barnes, Lorraine Lavell, Diana Roper, Lesley Steele, ?, ?, Judith Hogg?, Margaret ?, Penny Francis, ?, Michelle Pearson.
Front row, L – R: ?, ?, Gaynor Chittenden, Virginia Beard, Christine Jewel, Diane Collins, Joanna Rolfe, Jennifer King, Trevor Mills, Karen Bendall, Ola Redlarski, Flora Steel, Sarah Dobbs, Karen Dalziel, Janet Smith.
Happy memories!
Thanks to Paul Bacon - CTHS 1968-1975 for the picture
Annual presentation of awards February 1975
Steve Casey (1967-1975) receiving the Senior Masters award for attainment in the humanities from G B C Palmer CBE (Headmaster 1943-54)
Rugby Team 1976
Back Row: Mick Ford, Ian Twinley, Graham Sewell, David Folkard, Lee Scott, Alexis Maryon , Simon Hull.
Middle Row, Nigel Blakemore, Paul Archer, Miles Williamson, Philip Hartley, Glen Spurgeon, Chris Raddatts, Howard Malyon, no idea, Stephen Alexander
Front Row, Stuart Willett?, Tony Schofield , John Chick, Brian O'Riordan, no idea, no idea, Andrew Smith.
Thanks to Ian Twinley 1974-79 for the picture
School Athletics Team 1975 -1976
Back row: Mr Olgolta / X / X / Corinne Chapman / Deborah Blaize / Phil Cooper / Martin Courtney / Caroline Dark / Richard Warner ? / X / Ray White
Middle row: Paula Challenger on far right ( possibly Mary Bamford to her left )
Front row: X / X / Brian Walters / Simon Bearman / X / X / X / Steve Fisk ? / X
Geoff Smith's photos - 1 Geoff Smith's photos - 1
Geoff Smith's photos - 2 Geoff Smith's photos - 2
Geoff Smith's photos - 3 Geoff Smith's photos - 3
Geoff Smith's photos - 4 Geoff Smith's photos - 4
Secretarial Skills Class 1976 Secretarial Skills Class 1976
Pottery Class 1976 Pottery Class 1976
English & French Sets 6th Form 1976. English & French Sets 6th Form 1976.
Upper 6th Form 1976 Upper 6th Form 1976
Upper 6th Form 1976 Upper 6th Form 1976
Upper 6th Form 1976 Upper 6th Form 1976
Upper 6th Form 1976 Upper 6th Form 1976
Upper 6th Form 1976 Upper 6th Form 1976
Upper 6th Form 1976 Upper 6th Form 1976
Judith and Friends Judith and Friends