School Picture 1959
Form 1-2 from the “Year of 1958”, pictured at the end of their first year, in July 1959.
David Cooper, Dennis Everard, Roger Evans, Stephen Goodwin, Leslie Cutbush,
Vernon French, Peter Gambier, Peter Frost, Keith Gooday, William Cooper, Richard Deering, Michael Davis, Christopher Emblem, Michael Crane.
Heather Farr, (front) Kathleen Ellis, (back) Mary Everett, Rita Chilvers, Gillian Digby,
Dawn Dodd, (front) Mary (Ann) Edwards, (back) Pamela Gibson, (back) Valerie Creswell,
(front) Barbara Daglish, (back - part hidden) Janet Crane, Sheila Goleby, Rosemary Collier.
School Picture 1959
Review and Cast list for the play “The Tramp’s Dream”, from The Midexian 1959.
“The Tramps’ Dream” (otherwise known as “The Insects Play” – sent in by Hilary Balm (nee Dye) 1955-60
Hilary is in the front row, holding her "Black Ant" costume
A second picture below, sent in by Mary Johnson (1956 - 61)
Standing higher at the back: The 2 butterflies on the right are Marion Brooker and Judith Cornell.
Middle Row: Susan St John is 8th from the left, peeping through at the back, 5th from left is Jennifer Wilson (with the band across her forehead).
At the very back, underneath the leafy branch – right hand side is Mary Allen and just in front is Eleanor Cottee (now Ellie Saban).
Front row – 3rd from left is me (Mary Johnson), a flag-seller ant holding the tin, 9th from left Elaine Smith. Next to Elaine is possibly James Tildesley, last on right Jacqueline Burton.
We are grateful to Aubrey Cornell for sending us the three pictures below.
This photo shows upper (1958-60) and lower (1959-61) sixth science students and teachers and so was probably taken in 1960.
Upper 6th (U), lower 6th (L)
Back row (l-r): Dinah Clarke (L); R.Walford (U); ?? (U); Roger Dace (U); John Wright (U); John Gowers (U); ?? (U); Bob Bailey (U); Brian Warner (L); Aubrey Cornell (L); Malcolm Webb (L); Alan Lodge (L); Mick Hardy (U); ?? ;
Front row (l-r): Ruth Millham (L); Mr Tilbury; Mr Evans; Dr Stephens; Mr Hart; Vic Vandergrift (L); John Taylor (L); Judith Hudson (L).
1959-61 6th and maybe taken in 1961.
Back row (l-r): Malcolm Webb; Alan Lodge; Aubrey Cornell; John Taylor; Colin Ashman; Brian Warner.
Front row (l-r): Mr Evans; Judith Hudson; Dinah Clarke; Mr Hart.
1959-61 6th and maybe taken in 1961.
Colin Ashman; Aubrey Cornell; Alan Lodge; Judith Hudson; Dinah Clarke; John Taylor; Malcolm Webb; Brian Warner.
We are grateful to Mary Johnson 1958-61 for sending in this picture
Netball Team - 1959 or 1960
Left to right:-
Susan St John; Sherene Weston; Marion Brooker (now Mace) – (Captain of the Team and holding the ball); Mary Johnson; Judith Cornell; Margaret Whitworh (nee Turner); Pauline Holgate.
Local Newspaper Article - 1959
Photos from Ruth Groves (nee Millham) 1954-61
1st year boys 1960 1st year boys 1960
Art 1960 Art 1960
Bob McNiff 1960 Bob McNiff 1960
Joan, Gill and Marion 1960 Joan, Gill and Marion 1960
John Richardson and 1st year boys 1960 John Richardson and 1st year boys 1960