"Wanting for a change to produce a staff play I decided on 'A Separate Peace' by Tom Stoppard as it had an intriguing plot, mysterious even, yet was only one act and required just a few actors - perfect for busy teachers with limited time! It's about a man in some kind of nursing home and his various visitors and conversations, some on the telephone. Peter Dear played the 'patient'."
Mr Klein 1963-71
Liz Elias, Colin Vernon, Jenny Powell, Peter Dear & Gill Blunden
photo taken by Mr Taylor (biology)
- Miss Elias 1969-74, taught physics at the Tech.. she married Mr Jevons in 1972
- Mr Vernon 1956-87, taught RE and was later Head of Lower School
- Mrs Powell 1960-75 taught PE and was formerly Miss Coulson
- Mr Dear 1960-88, taught English
- Mrs Blunden taught English
Speech Days
Speech Day 1970
Table Tennis Team 1969 - 1970
Item from Steve Payne 1963 -70
In the summer of 69 a group of school friends decided to form an after-school table tennis club and entered a team into the Chelmsford & District Table Tennis league. The team included four regulars: Andrew Jarvis, Paul Woolnough, Colin Watson and Steve Payne, with Brian Cheyney and Mr Cobb also playing several times during the season. The team entered the League into one of the bottom divisions (7A). The season extended from September 69 to April 70 and much success was had. Below are some press cuttings and league table at various stages of the season. I believe the team finished third and promotion was offered but as this was the last year for all 5 pupils, I assume there was no school team for the following season ... but perhaps others can tell any follow-on story. I believe we may have arranged a school table tennis competition; do any former CTHS pupils have a recollection of this?
24th October 1969, after 3 matches we’re in 4th place. Photos show results, table and a very brief press report on our game:
On the 5th December we had learnt more competitive tactics as the report below exemplifies.
By the 12th December after 8 games we’ve moved up to 3rd spot which we held for the rest of the season.
Into the new year the following report is from 13th March 1970
Into April as the season reached its climax as we held on to 3rd spot although well beaten by the eventual champions. All in all a creditable showing for our first season in a highly competitive league.
1st X1 Soccer Team 1970 1st X1 Soccer Team 1970
Another Soccer Team 1970 Another Soccer Team 1970
6th Form 1969 6th Form 1969
Another Soccer Team 1970 Another Soccer Team 1970
Girls Hockey Team c1969 Girls Hockey Team c1969
Junior Hockey Team c1970 Junior Hockey Team c1970
Junior Hockey Team c1970 Junior Hockey Team c1970
Junior Soccer Team c1970 Junior Soccer Team c1970
Mixed Hockey c1970 Mixed Hockey c1970
Rugby Team c1969 Rugby Team c1969
Rugby Team c1970 Rugby Team c1970
A selection of images from the school trip to a Jugendlager in a town called Bad Neiderbriesig in Germany in the glorious hot summer of 1969. If my memory served me correctly the price was something like £27.0.0 for 10 days.
By gum lad they were the days.
Jugendlager - 1 Jugendlager - 1
Jugendlager - 2 Jugendlager - 2
Jugendlager - 3 Jugendlager - 3
Jugendlager - 4 Jugendlager - 4
Trip to German Grand Prix Trip to German Grand Prix
Pete Colman & Mick Slingsby Pete Colman & Mick Slingsby
Chairlift Ride-1 Chairlift Ride-1
Chairlift Ride-2 Chairlift Ride-2