
Broomfield Secondary 1959-1962

Broomfield Secondary Football Team 1958/59

broomfield football 58 59

Standing: Mr B.T.E. Williams (teacher), R. Sheldon, P. Eva, B. Cable, M. Green, D. Clark, K. Tillbrook, Mr R.H. Eden (Headmaster).

Seated: D. Fiddy, B. Beecham, K. Waldon (Captain), J. Joslin, R. Kent.

The photo was sent in by Philip Eva 1976-81

Class Photo 1959


 1st Extended Year - 1961 to 1962

Broomfield Ist Extended year 1961 62

Front row (L to R): Susan Peacock, Pat ( Patricia) Mott, ? , Form Teacher - Miss Thornhill,
Susan Harris, ? , Brenda Edwards

Back Row (L to R): Michael Robinson, Colin Hance, Rodney Willett, David Groves,
Barry Richell, Arthur Ketley, George Kemp, Peter Cook, Dennis Coyle

Photo sent in by Barry Richell 1957-62

School Play “Ambrose Applejohn’s Adventure” performed in 1958 or 1959

broomfield school play ambrose 1958 2

 Ian Findlay as Ambrose Applejohn (front row, with the pipe), Veronica Sapsford (next to Ian) played a Russian spy, Malcolm Eden played the butler, Polly was the maid, and Robert Kent played the policeman, Barry Cable (wearing a turban).

broomfield school play ambrose 1958 1

Sent in by Ian Findlay 1955-59

More pictures can be found on    CVOSA Flickr

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