The photo was sent in by Malcolm Searles (Married to another ex-pupil - Louise Byatt - with 2 children of our own !) who added the following.
Golly - it's the first time I've visited the site and it certainly brought back a few memories - but I was sad to note that my years of CTHS/CVHS 1972-79 were virtually completely absent ! Have all my old colleagues vanished into the mists of time ? I subsequently enclose as an attachment, the school photo for my motley crew - taken when we were 7th year (or is it upper 6th ?) in 1979 .
I wish I could say I knew more about the whereabouts of many of them, but the only ones I know of are:
- Mike Tetlow - Wing Commander in the RAF / Lives in Yorkshire / Married to Carolyn Earnshaw (Head Girl 1980) / 2 children
- Steve Kirkham - Self-employed artist, designer, computer and website wizard / Lives in Chelmsford / 2 children (one of whom currently attends CVHS)
- Paul Chester - Lives in Kansas, USA / Married / 2 children
- Chris Stock - I think he lives in South Wales somewhere / Married with children
- Susan Ellis-Williams - Lives in Chelmsford / Teaching assistant / Married with children
and I would dearly love to establish contact with David Oliver again - he missed the enclosed photo as he was too busy in the art block if I remember correctly !
Added by webmaster
Robert Temple & Sue Lenoir are married, live in Kent & have 3 children.
Blue Falcons 1979 Blue Falcons 1979
Fairfields Hall 1979 Fairfields Hall 1979
May Fayre 1979 May Fayre 1979
May Fayre 2 1979 May Fayre 2 1979
Peer Gynt 1979 Peer Gynt 1979
Peer Gynt Cast 1979 Peer Gynt Cast 1979
Recorders 1979 Recorders 1979
School Life 1979 School Life 1979
School Life 2 1979 School Life 2 1979
School Life 3 1979 School Life 3 1979
School Life 4 1979 School Life 4 1979
School Prom 1979 School Prom 1979
Sports Day 1979 Sports Day 1979
Upper 6th c1980 Upper 6th c1980